Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo

Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo (b. 1974) is a prize-winning Swedish-speaking writer from Finland, and she has published eight books, the first one in 2005 (Kärlek, kärlek – hurra, hurra). She was awarded the Runeberg Prize in 2008 with her novel Fem knivar hade Andrej Krapl (Söderströms,2007). Her latest novel In transit (Teos & Förlaget, 2016) was awarded the Längmanska kulturfonden Suomi Prize. Scandorama is her first graphic novel.

She was one of the founders of the Skunkteater, and has written plays for it. She has an M.A. degree from the university, but she has also studied drama writing in the Theatre Academy.

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