LIWRE 2024

The 2024 Reunion will convene June 14-15 in Lahti, right in the centre of the city, the venues are a short walking distance away from the railway station. For two days, writers from all over the world will present and discuss their views on the Reunion’s overall theme. Sessions will be hosted by writers Riina…

The 2024 Reunion will convene June 14-15 in Lahti, right in the centre of the city, the venues are a short walking distance away from the railway station.

For two days, writers from all over the world will present and discuss their views on the Reunion’s overall theme. Sessions will be hosted by writers Riina Katajavuori and Karo Hämäläinen.

The program also includes Prose Matinee and International Poetry Evening as well as other happenings. All events are free to the public.  

The sponsors and suporters of the LIWRE 2024

Ministry of Culture and Education, the City of Lahti, Istituto Italiano di Cultura IIC, WSOY publishing house, Siltala publishing house, Sokos Hotel Lahden Seurahuone, Kuuki Marketing Lab Oy, Eino Leino Society, Päijät-Hämeen Summer University, Suomen Kongressitekniikka Oy and Sasakawa Peace Foundation

In co-operation with Jäljentämö Jokela.  


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